Coleman Bailey - Serving Orphans Worldwide
Coleman Bailey from Serving Orphans Worldwide shares about the essence of his ministry to orphans in Africa and Eastern Europe.
Coleman Bailey from Serving Orphans Worldwide shares about the essence of his ministry to orphans in Africa and Eastern Europe.
What does it really mean to love God? We often prioritize our love for Jesus yet he is just one of three persons of the Trinity. Loving is not just knowing about someone, it is about acting on our affections towards them. For the follower of Jesus it is about demonstrating our love through obedience to God's revealed will. We do well to remember that in these challenging times.
We have longings and desires, wishes and wants. But in this article Christians are warned not to confuse those desires with the hope that we have in the promises of God.
Western expressions of our faith have dichotomized church and missions as different things. This should never be so. We can learn from the African Church that all believers carry a responsibility for missions-type of activities.
We can all too flippantly use the term "God willing", while not really appreciating what God's will might be. He has made some of his will plain, but there is much about the future we can not know. Yet true believers trust that it will be for good.
An evangelistic team in eastern Uganda this month discovered a Muslim had locked up his son and starved him for more than four months for accepting Christ, sources said.