The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) has reaffirmed its commitment to responsible stewardship of U.S. resources while urging compassion for vulnerable populations. In a newly adopted motion, the organization calls on the federal government to maintain international aid programs and work with faith-based organizations to support those in need at home and abroad.
The NAE board of directors passed a motion titled "Compassion for a World in Need" on March 6, emphasizing the United States’ influential role in global affairs.
“As citizens in a country blessed with abundance and unparalleled global influence, we also recognize the responsibility to steward our nation’s resources in a way that leads to a more peaceful and prosperous world. Such a world is in our national interest, contributing to our health, safety, wealth and much more,” the motion stated.
The motion cited biblical examples of public-private partnerships, including Nehemiah 2:1–10, Ezra 1:1–8, and Luke 7:1–6.
The NAE also highlighted Supreme Court rulings affirming that faith-based organizations should be included when the government collaborates with secular entities on public aid and faith-based initiatives. The organization underscored the biblical principle that “[f]rom everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked” (Luke 12:48).
“We celebrate the millions of lives saved and the substantial contributions to human flourishing in the United States and around the world made possible through both public and faith-based initiatives,” NAE President Rev. Dr. Walter Kim said.
“While every administration has the right and responsibility to evaluate the effectiveness of our assistance programs, such a review and reform should be achieved without the indiscriminate disruption of programs that are working well and saving lives.”
As part of the motion, the NAE urged evangelicals to pray and give generously in support of evangelistic efforts and compassionate ministries. It also called on followers of Jesus to “welcome, befriend and share the love of Jesus with immigrants and refugees whom God has sent into our communities.”
The evangelical body also called on its members to advocate with members of Congress and the Trump administration for the resumption of international assistance to the poor. This follows recent executive stop-work orders that have affected aid programs for impoverished populations abroad, as previoulsy reported by Christian Daily International.
In February, evangelical leaders from several organizations expressed concerns about the orders. Galen Carey, NAE vice president of government relations, outlined the difficulties facing foreign aid partners.
“We acknowledge that every administration has the right and responsibility to review the effectiveness of our assistance programs as established by Congress and carried out by the executive branch,” Carey said at the time. “So we affirm that there are aspects of our foreign aid programs that should be ended and others that could be reformed for greater effectiveness.
“However, this review and reform can be achieved without the wholesale disruption of the many programs that are working well and saving lives.”
Carey reiterated the NAE’s stance that any review of the U.S. foreign aid budget should preserve the nation’s commitment to aiding those in desperate need.
“Although our country cannot solve all the world’s problems, our foreign aid should be available to care for victims of war and disaster, reduce crime and poverty, and ensure healthcare for those exposed to preventable diseases,” he said.
The NAE’s call to action also urged Congress and the Trump administration to “undertake a review of foreign aid effectiveness and alignment with American values in a way that does not hamstring current operations.”
Additionally, the organization called for maintaining support for poverty-focused international assistance and refugee resettlement while continuing to collaborate with faith-based partners where appropriate.
The NAE further urged the government to “articulate for the American people the compelling rationale for continued global engagement and U.S. leadership in international humanitarian and development cooperation and refugee resettlement.”
Kim emphasized that gospel values remain central to Christian engagement in global issues as they obey the Great Commission.
“For two thousand years, Christians have followed Jesus’ command to go into all the world, preaching the gospel in word and deed, and making disciples of all nations. We honor the dignity of God’s image in all people, uphold the sanctity of every human life, and embrace the call to show compassion for the orphan, the widow and the vulnerable wherever they are found,” he said.
“Evangelicals are not utopians”, the NAE statement said, as they acknowledged that some aid programs are ineffective or promote values “not shared by most Americans.”
“These programs should be reformed or discontinued,” conceded the NAE statement. “We also understand that human suffering will persist until Christ returns. But this reality should spur us to greater engagement and generosity, not less.
“As the Apostle Paul urged the Corinthians: ‘Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work (2 Corinthians 9:6–8).’”