Youth With A Mission (YWAM) has urged supporters to recommit to prayer following the death of founder Loren Cunningham in 2023 and recent tragedies within the organization.
In its latest "The Invitation" monthly prayer call on Feb. 10, YWAM emphasized the foundational role of prayer in its mission, calling it a "core value."
"Our early pioneering initiatives started with prayer over a world map, and God began to speak and catch us up into His heart for the nations," it stated.
During the "YWAM Together 2024" gathering in Manila, Philippines, last September, where 4,500 people from 110 nationalities serving in 120 countries participated, a key message was to recommit to prayer.
"Pray for a recommitment to prayer in YWAM at this time," YWAM urged, reminding supporters of the Manila message. "Since the death of YWAM’s founder Loren Cunningham in 2023, many in YWAM are aware of the critical time we are in as a mission.
"We’ve had some terrible tragedies in YWAM where we have lost some dear family, friends, and leaders. Our hearts are tender. With the increased challenges and pressure, there is real warfare.
"The time to expand the covering of prayer over our mission is now. Pray for every YWAM participant to grow in their prayer life, and pray for every YWAM prayer ministry."
The prayer call asks participants to "contend" for YWAM’s global family to "experience God in an unprecedented way, and to hear His voice and partner with Him for breakthrough in the nations."
"Prayer is the essence of who YWAM is," said YWAM co-founder Darlene Cunningham, widow of Loren Cunningham.
The update also quoted Bible teacher Joy Dawson, who had a deep influence on YWAM and called for repentance when prayer was lacking. Dawson, who died at age 96 on July 21, 2022, had also urged leaders to seek the Lord for revelation if there was no vision.
"Don’t in any way minimize the crucial importance of interceding for the nations! There is a dearth of intercession for the nations," Dawson said before her death.
"This is a prophetic word coming through me that there needs to be a resurgence of what was strong but has now become weak. Particularly in the lives of spiritual leaders. There is no substitute whatsoever for fervent, faith-filled, focused prayer for the nations as I have taught it over the years.
"Some leaders think they are on the cutting edge but don’t make intercession for the nations at all. What they think is cutting edge is not cutting it with God."