Christians suffer deadly attacks in Kaduna state, Nigeria
Suspected Fulani herdsmen on Wednesday (Feb. 5) killed three Christians in Kaduna state, a week after three others were slain in the same area, sources said.
Suspected Fulani herdsmen on Wednesday (Feb. 5) killed three Christians in Kaduna state, a week after three others were slain in the same area, sources said.
What does it really mean to love God? We often prioritize our love for Jesus yet he is just one of three persons of the Trinity. Loving is not just knowing about someone, it is about acting on our affections towards them. For the follower of Jesus it is about demonstrating our love through obedience to God's revealed will. We do well to remember that in these challenging times.
We have longings and desires, wishes and wants. But in this article Christians are warned not to confuse those desires with the hope that we have in the promises of God.
Western expressions of our faith have dichotomized church and missions as different things. This should never be so. We can learn from the African Church that all believers carry a responsibility for missions-type of activities.
We can all too flippantly use the term "God willing", while not really appreciating what God's will might be. He has made some of his will plain, but there is much about the future we can not know. Yet true believers trust that it will be for good.
Technology giant Apple Inc. is under investigation for allegedly using minerals sourced from conflict-hit zones in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), according to lawyers representing the central African country. The DRC alleges that Apple’s subsidiaries and supply partners used minerals from mines controlled by armed rebel groups in Eastern Congo, where a variety of atrocities have been reported.
Nigerian gospel minister Nathaniel Bassey was one of the invited guests who performed at President Donald Trump’s inaugural prayer breakfast on January 20, 2025. Referencing Psalm 24:1, Bassey said “America is the Lord’s and the fullness of” before breaking into worship songs with his signature trumpet. Bassey was joined on stage by Reverend Merrie Turner, the host of the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast as they sang “Glory glory hallelujah” together.
The Muslim family of a young man in Sudan’s Darfur Region has disowned him and compelled his wife to divorce him because he converted to Christianity, an area source said.
The President of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa, signed into law the Death Penalty Abolition Act (2024) effectively removing the death penalty sentence in the penal code. Although the Southern Africa country has not carried out death sentences for nearly two decades, 62 people who had been sentenced to death will be resentenced or have their death sentences commuted.
Authorities prevented Christians internally displaced by war in Sudan from celebrating Christmas in a park where they had taken refuge, sources said.
Two church pastors kidnapped on Dec. 29 in northeastern Nigeria were released on Sunday (Jan. 5), Church of the Brethren in Nigeria (EYN) leaders said.