Opinion Articles


  • We need to realign our priorities with missio Dei

    We need to realign our priorities with missio Dei

    Missio Dei is a formal theological term, latin for "God’s mission". The term means just what is says: mission belongs to God. God defines the mission’s purposes and strategies, means and methods, timing and pacing. The mission scope is all encompassing—multi-national, multi-ethnic, multi-resourced. Our participation in God's mission requires that we keep our priorities straight, and Abraham shows us how.

  • Why the war on wokeism is misdirected and misunderstood

    Why the war on wokeism is misdirected and misunderstood

    In the mudslinging barrage of the culture wars, ‘woke’ has become increasingly difficult to define. It was originally conceived as a signifier for those who were aware of (or ‘awake to’) systematic racial and sexual discrimination. Recently, it’s become a buzzword used to mock those who believe in these systematic injustices. Rather than uncritically dismissing the issues, Christians would do well to learn how to distinguish between a theory and a worldview.

  • Offering digital hospitality for gospel impact

    Offering digital hospitality for gospel impact

    Through digital hospitality, influencers can win over the masses, even without substantial budgets and powerful production capacities. Their authenticity and willingness to let audiences into their lives creates a powerful bond beyond what they promote. By opening a window into your life in a similar way, you could easily showcase God’s transformative power authentically, drawing others to Christ through your digital witness. But will you?

  • Telling the story of God a better way

    Telling the story of God a better way

    The story of God is a grand biblical story of how God has revealed himself to humankind and how he has redeemed us from fear and death and has planned a future for the whole cosmos. It’s a monumental story of love and brokenness, fear and hope, truth and lies, and the unending resolve of our loving God and his intention to save all that he has created. And we need to tell it better.

  • Post-pandemic online church revolution or temporary exile

    Post-pandemic online church revolution or temporary exile

    The coronavirus pandemic of 2019 sent churches, big and small, on a massive online migration. The lockdowns of the pandemic season and the implementation of strict physical distancing measures effectively locked-up the sanctuaries of different faith communities in many nations. For a couple of years or so, it seemed like the age of the digital church had finally arrived. But is that the case?